BPA Logo

15th & 16th February 2025

Welcome to BPA

A very warm welcome to the BPA website. BPA, which stands for Baden Powell Anniversary, is an overnight activity hike for Explorer Scouts and adult teams in Norfolk. Teams are given twelve hours of darkness to walk the circular route and complete the challenges, which they find along the way. Points are awarded for finishing each section of the route, completing the challenges and for their conduct and teamwork throughout.

To add to the challenge, BPA is held in a different location each year. If you're interested, have a look at our Previous Events section for more information.

Finally, if the above doesn't make it sound hard enough; BPA is usually held in February, so it's cold!

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How to take part

We hope you're looking forward to BPA as much as we are. Team bookings for BPA need to be made by your Explorer Leader so please ask them to enter a team for you.

If you are a Network member and don't have a leader as such, one of your team can create an account to do the booking (you don't all need to have an account).

Booking and Volunteering

Booking a Team

Booking for the next BPA has now closed. If you have already entered a team, you can log into the BPA Portal (below) to view details and print permission forms.

Volunteering to help

Organising and running BPA is no mean feat and we'd love you to come and give us a hand. Volunteering for BPA is not open yet so please check back soon.

BPA Portal

Book teams, edit your details and volunteer to help all in one place.

Previous Years

Here's a selection of reports from previous years of BPA. If you haven't been before, have a look and see what you've been missing!

North East Norfolk, 2024

It was story time at BPA this year. Teams visited Agatha Christie, Nursery Rhymes, Harry Potter, Aesop's Fables, James Bond and Aladdin while completing challenges ranging from potion making to escape rooms, a river crossing and a crime scene restoration.

In total 24 teams participated in a fanstastic but very wet BPA. Everyone was very glad to return to the warm and dry in Buxton for a bacon roll in the morning.

Very many congratulations go to G.O.D. who took the trophy this year, over Raiders 2 in second and Toolboxes a very close third.

As always, enourmous thanks go out to over 70 volunteers for everything they did to make BPA possible. We hope you're looking forward to BPA 2025.

2Raiders 2
5The Warburtons
6Vermin 2
730th Norwich
8Vermin 1
9Lead from the Back
Also Participated
Bath Bombs
Dino Nuggies
Foo that was Fought
Griffin 1
Marham Young Leaders
Raiders 1
Serpent Slayers
The Monties
Wildflower Bombs

Southern Norwich, 2023

We're back after two years of online BPA and it's hard to think where could better to host our return than the beautiful district of Southern Norwich.

This year HQ and Zone 1 were at Eaton Vale. The route went East to visit Cooper Lane, Upper Stoke, Shotesham, Newton Flotman and Mulbarton. The six BPA Zones were themed as 'zones', so participants enjoyed Timezone, Eurozone, Ozone, Exclusion Zone, Danger Zone and even Demilitarised Zone on their travels. Twenty teams took part in this fantastic return to the real, in-person, analogue BPA that we all love.

Congratulations to Skavenger 2 for their convincing victory!

A massive thank you goes to everyone who made BPA 2023 possible and we'll look forward to seeing you next year.

Water Activity
1Skavenger 2
2A4 Paper
4Totally Awsome
75 Blind Mice
8That Scallywag
Also Participated
Jamie Bond in Korea
Skavenger 1
That Pigeon
The Elizabeth Line Fan Club
The Loopa Troopas

BPA Confidential, 2022

In 2022, Scouts Secret Service agents uncovered a plot by the notorious criminal Ernst Stavro Blofield, Head of SPEKTOR, to steal the Crown Jewels at the Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations. All Secret Service operatives were mobilised to urgently complete a Secret Service training operation in preparation to counter the threat. The operatives' skills in cryptography, construction, resourcefulness, logic, disguise and even baking were tested to the limit.

Congratulations to Bombers ESU for completing the operation in record time.

A massive thank you to C, H, M, Q, 00BADGER, 00CLOCK, 00GAUGE, 00NORTH and Honeypenny of the Scouts Secret Service for making this possible.

Will look forward to seeing you all next year.

Training Syllabus
Winning Team
Bombers ESU
Also Participated
Amphibians ESU
Skavenger 1
Skavenger 2
Skavenger 3
Stag Explorer Scouts

BPA Confidential, 2021

BPA couldn't be held as usual this year because the trophy had been stolen by notorious criminal mastermind Ernst Stavro Blofield. Instead we were enlisted as operatives in the Scouts Secret Service, followed Blofield's online clues around the World and completed challenges in order to find the Trophy. The fastest team, Southern Norwich Raiders, Pythons & Vermin, were able to direct Secret Service operatives to recover the trophy, which was at the World Scout Jamboree site in Japan. Well done agents!

A massive thank you to C, H, M, Q, 00DEAR, 00GAUGE, 00NORTH, Honeypenny and Mango of the Scouts Secret Service for making this possible.

See you all next year for, hopefully, BPA as usual.

Blofield's Letter
Winning Team
Southern Norwich Raiders, Pythons & Vermin
Also Participated
Bombers ESU
Buxton Explorers
Skavenger 1
Skavenger 2
Tc Laefrnolnkor
The Harleston Lads
Wsetoopoirnc Nkr

Southern Norfolk, 2020

BPA visited Southern Norfolk in 2020, where we had a theme of Senses. Headquarters was in Gissing and from there the route went South through Shimpling before turning West past Diss, North to Fersfield Common and then East through Shelfanger.

It was a wet year for the 24 teams that took part with quite a few navigational challenges, particularly through the Shimpling section.

Congratulations go to Harleston Explorers for their magnificent victory!

A huge thank you to everyone who made BPA 2020 possible. We'll look forward to seeing you next year.

Harleston Explorers
1Harleston Explorers
2Knights Who Say Ni
4Fressingfield ESU
5Big Pimp Association
7I Poisoned Your Cereal
8Dora's Explorers
9NV 1
10The Debating Club
Also Participated
Baps & Maps
Capreolus Capreolus
Diss ESU
First Timers
Hunters 1
Hunters 2
Skavenger 2
Sneaky Cucumbers
The Hairy Hikers
The Hoes of HAndS
The Un-nameables
We have / are already lost
We who shall not be named

Central Norfolk, 2019

This year BPA had a London theme. The Headquarters was King's Cross Station with waiting room, arrival/departures board, tube maps and a thought for the day. Tannoy announcements directed teams to their platforms for departure around Central Norfolk.

The 30.8km route saw 142 participants across 29 teams stop at London Bridge, Stratford, Aldwych, Tower Hill, Leicester Square and Baker Street. The teams took part in a variety of activities and challenges including cooking, an obstacle course through an electric fence, disarming a bomb and pioneering. Throughout the night, the teams encountered many forms of wildlife including numerous deers and rabbits within the Holkham Hall Estate. The weather stayed clear and dry with the route being illuminated by the stars and the moon.

Congratulations go to the winning teams; Network: Tasburgh’s Finest and Explorer: WSJ team, WTF – Where’s The Finish?

A huge thank you to the Holkham Estate and Creake Abbey for your support and the 105 volunteer staff that helped run the event, see you again in 2020!

WTF - Where's The Finish?
Network Results
1Tasburgh’s Finest
Explorer Results
1WTF - Where's The Finish?
2Call Us A Taxi
3Where are we?
4The Mung Beans
5Toolbox's - Spanners
6Southern Norwich Gaitors
7Tas Explorers
9Hunters Too
10Team Wherry
Also Participated
Bombers ESU
Capreolus Capreolus
Friends of Farage
Lardz United
No More Raisin Deathcake
Pimp My Stride
Raiders with a sting in the tail
Shrek Squad
Slightly Older Fairies
Steve's Desciples
Team Octopus
The Honey Wolves
Toolbox's - Hammers
Young Fairies

South West Norfolk, 2018

It was international year this year. Our BPA teams jetted-off from Baden Powell International Airport to travel the globe in an action-packed, twelve-hour adventure. Along the route, teams visited Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia, Antarctica and America; all while racing The Tour De France, having a go at archery, remembering all the states of the USA, searching for a lost trade agreement and many other brilliant challenges.

Throughout the night, the sky was lit by flares and the ground shook as we were treated to a display by Her Majesty's Armed Forces as they practiced manoeuvres next-door; making BPA 2019 feel like we'd strayed into a war zone. Next time we consider an international trip we'll check the latest FCO travel advice.

This year 25 teams competed in BPA; the most since 2014. Huge thanks to all of the teams for entering and to all of the nearly 90 staff that helped to bring the event to life; we couldn't do it without you. Hope to see you all for BPA 2019.

Beach Games in Australasia
2Tasburgh 1
4HAndS On Tour
5Spicy 2.0
6Mars Bar Kids
7WSJ Team 3
8Raisin Deathcake
9Know Da Wae
10WSJ Team 1
Also Participated
Capreolus Capreolus
Four More Years (of Delph)
Harleston Habromaniacs
Nelsons Lions
Nelsons Tigers
Southern Fried Vegetables
Team Suffolk
Team West
The Team who must not be named
The Team with no Name
WSJ Team 2

North West Norfolk, 2017

It was a return to the beautiful Sandringham Estate for BPA this year. By the time we arrived the Queen had already headed back up to London after spending Christmas in Norfolk, though apparently our presence had nothing to do with her decision to depart. We last visited the estate in 2010, which was the first year some of our organising team were involved so this year felt like a bit of a homecoming.

As usual, all was quiet in West Newton Village Hall until 17:00 when teams started to arrive. After a record-fast check-in, the 18 teams were out to the zones and ready to begin on schedule at 19:00. Zones this year were at West Newton, Wolferton, Snettisham and on the Sandringham Estate. For the first time, the route was dotted with digital check points and a telephone, where teams had to ring HQ for directions.

Despite these extra challenges, most teams found the Zones and after twelve hours, everyone was back at Headquarters for a bacon roll and some awards. Well done to Reginald’s Men for their victory this year, closely followed by Joint Effort in second place and Capreolus Capreolus in third.

BPA would not be possible without the huge contribution our volunteers make every year. For planning the route, booking facilities, driving buses, putting on stunts, scoring, tracking teams, checking kit, cooking breakfast and everything else they do we are extremely grateful. A big thank you to all of our participants as well and we hope to see you again next year.

1Reginald's Men
2Joint Effort
3Capreolus Capreolus
4Dama Dama
6The A Team
9Team Carlos
Also Participated
Cervus Elaphus
Crazy Legs And His Mates
Raisin Deathcake
The Squad

East Norfolk, 2016

This year featured another new play area for BPA, and provided a route just over 30Km (19 miles) across the East Norfolk area. What a weekend we had!

Filby Village Hall was set as main HQ for this year’s event and it was a great venue to have the use of. providing plenty of space and all the facilities we needed.

Thanks to our check-in and kit check staff, the whole pre-event safety checks were completed rather smoothly and in record time the 19 teams were almost ready to start the event.

At 7pm the main event began and as teams started activities and walking the rain also started. Thankfully it was a short, sharp shower but these were to make quite a few appearances during the night. Good job our participants had all the kit they needed to keep warm, and the dry spells were much appreciated by all.

As the night progressed and the safety stewards met up with teams, most people seemed to be having a great time and enjoying the event, with just the odd grumble from staff and participants!

Our staffed activity zones this year were at Mautby Church, Runham Church, Stokesby Church and Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens. Each activity challenged the teams in different ways as the participants attempted to gain the most points to win this year’s event.

The morning saw teams start to arrive back at main HQ, and after a quick bite of breakfast, some thank yous and presentations, we were able to announce ‘The Arnolds’ as this year’s BPA champions!

The whole event wouldn’t have been possible without our volunteer staff. We had people on check-in, kit-check, transport, zone activities, catering and safety. We also had a core admin and communications team keeping tabs on everything going on throughout the event. In all we had around 65 adults helping to make the event safe, fun and successful for everyone involved. To these staff we say a massive thank you (and perhaps see you again next year?).

To the participants we say well done for taking part in this year’s event and braving the weather. Hopefully you had a good time and we hope to see some of you again next time.

1The Arnolds
2NV 1
5Capreolus Capreolus
6Cervus Nippon
7Mini Oculi
8Dora's Explorers
10Giant Oculi
Also Participated
Dinosaur Frontiersmen
Red Dragons
The team who must not be named

North Norfolk, 2015

This year featured a new area for BPA, and provided a route of 30.5Km (19 miles) across the North Norfolk area.

We once again had four activity zones around the course, starting at BPA HQ (courtesy of Mundesley Scouts) running to Witton Bridge, over to the Mike Thurston Water Activities Centre at North Walsham, across to Southrepps before making its way back to Mundesley.

There were 20 teams, consisting of 99 Explorers and Network Scouts, participating in the event and braving the freezing temperatures that the cold February night had to offer.

The event would not have been possible without the 70 adult volunteers helping with registration, kit check, activities, catering, transport and event management. To all these people we say a huge thank you, and hopefully see you again for BPA 2016.

2015 Winning Team
1The Arnolds
2NV 1
3Victory Unit 1
4Wherry 1
5Vermin ESU
7The Pinkies
8Wherry 2
9Spartan B
10Pink Ladies
Also Participated
Connor's Crew
Harleston TMS Explorers 1
Jonesey's Angels
Mc Vities
NV 2
Pulp Fiction
Spartan A

Southern Norwich, 2014

So BPA is over for another year, and what a year it was! Cold winds blew, freezing our 25 teams as they hurried around the countryside of Southern Norwich. Congratulations go to The Arnolds, who seized a home victory this year for Southern Norwich.

The route, which covered 22 miles (36 kilometres), began at BPA HQ in Cringleford, wended its way to Swardeston and reached the first zone at Mulbarton. From there, teams crossed the A140 at a manned checkpoint (complete with hot water and signal fires) before arriving at the second zone by Shotesham Church. From there, the long back section brought teams to 1st Norwich HQ in Old Lakenham. Finally, a short hop back at Cringleford finished the route in time for breakfast.

The longer than normal route meant that this was the first year for a long time that no team completed the event. Despite this however, competition was fierce. After a gruelling twelve hours, The Arnolds (Skavenger, Southern Norwich) emerged as victors over the rest of the field with Vermin (Vermin, Southern Norwich) in second place and Team Carlos (Scorpions, Southern Norwich) in third.

As always, a wide range of challenges faced our competitors. Among the favourites were Doughnut Making, Tripod Building, Human Piano, Emergency Rescue and Video Kim's Game.

In all, a fantastic competition. Very many thanks go to the organising team for their hard work, all of the event staff for giving-up a night of precious sleep, the breakfast team for their early start, our hosts Southern Norwich District, the people of Southern Norwich for their tolerance and all of the participants, without whom we would not have an event. We can't wait for BPA|2015!

1The Arnolds
3Team Carlos
6The Fabulous Flying Monkeys
7The Muddy Platypus
9The Wherry Best
10The Hairy Beavers
Also Participated
Blue Cupcake
Coleman's Mustard
Fluffy Teddy Bears
Lads on Tour
The Gleebies
The Mad Hipster Ninjas
Triple Zs
Victorious Barracuda
What's in the Bag?

Reepham, 2013

Another cold and windy night for BPA this year. From Reepham, the route followed Marriott's Way, past Whitwell Hall and Lenwade, before turning North through Alderford Common on the home stretch.

Congratulations to Nelson's Victory, who triumphed this year over a field of 20 teams. Second place went to Jumping Jalapeño Jack Rabbits with Jik's Allstars in third.

Many thanks to all involved in the event this year. See you again next February for BPA|2014.

1Nelson's Victory
2Jumping Jalapeño Jack Rabbits
3Jik's Allstars
4Team Dynamite
6Drake ESU
7Vermin 1
8One Hand, Five Fingers
9Wherry Too
10Jaffa Cakes
Also Participated
Chocolate Orange Penguins
Do Not Touch
Hairy Beavers
The Pinkies
Robot Unicorns
Should Be Somewhere Else
Victory 1
Victory 2
Wherry 1

Holkham, 2012

Nice weather for once this year, if a little windy. We were kindly hosted by the Holkham Estate, with the majority of the route within the grounds.

Activities this year included Backwoods Cooking, The Fox / Chicken / Grain Problem, Blind Trail and Fire Lighting.

Congratulations go to Asleep In The Corner, who won this year's event. Second place went to S.A.M.E But Different with Icarus-Hotie in third place.

Many thanks to all involved in the event this year, especially the folks at the Holkham Estate. Hope to see you again in February for BPA|2013.

1Asleep In The Corner
2S.A.M.E But Different
4Nelson's Victory
5Hethersett Huscarls
6Lemon Cheese Wasit Nibbles
7The Kevin Reynolds Fan Club
8J.A.S.O.N Squad
9Who Plus One
1030th Norwich
Also Participated
Aqua Centurions
Blue Muffin
Dumbledore's Army
Emu 1
Fear Of Failure
Go Getters
The Lazy Gets
The Pinkies
Python Wildcats
Runcton Homies
Team Ellie
Team Four
Turbine & Jaguar
Vermin 1
Vermin 2

East Harling, 2011

This year's event was held in Thetford forest. The weather was good for the time of year. The teams enjoyed a pleasant evening of activities.

Congratulations go to Aqua Centurions who won the competition. Tutti-Fruitti came in second, followed by Vermin 2 in third place.

Thanks to all those involved with the running of the event. We hope to see you next year.

1Aqua Centurians
3Vermin 2
4Nelson Victory
5Vermin 1
7Penguin A
8Skavenger 1
9Iceni 7
10Hunter Force
Also Participated
Blue Pancake
Drake ESU
Hands B
Kids of Galifrey
Mulbarton Hunters
The Muppets
Penguin B
Python-Wildcats A

Contact Us

Emergency Contact

Emergency contact information will be provided to unit leaders prior to BPA.


If you would like to enter a team for the next event and are unable to use the online system, or for queries relating to existing bookings, please email the Booking Team at booking@scoutsbpa.org.uk.

Everything Else

For any other queries you have about BPA, please send us an email to admin@scoutsbpa.org.uk.