15th & 16th February 2025 North West Norfolk
BPA is an annual, overnight, multi-activity adventure hike in Norfolk for Explorer and Network Scouts, to celebrate the birth of our founder Lord Robert Baden Powell.
It’s challenging; each team must complete a walk of around 30km (19 miles). There are zones along the route; at each zone, teams must complete challenges to win points. Points are awarded for leadership, teamwork, completing challenges, arriving and leaving the zones and for conduct throughout. There are also checkpoints along the route where more points can be picked up. Finally, all this must be done in only twelve hours!
BPA will take place on 15th & 16th February 2025 in North West Norfolk. Full details of exactly where to meet on the night will be sent to registered units closer to the date. This secrecy helps to keep the event challenging!
Timings for the event will be as follows:
17:00 to 18:30 | Team Check-In Teams begin to arrive at BPA Headquarters, check-in, go through kit check and travel to their starting zones. |
18:30 | Check-In Closes: Teams must arrive before this time. |
19:00 to 07:00 | BPA Competition |
07:00 to 09:00 | Breakfast and Presentations |
09:00 | Event Finishes Parents should collect participants at this time. |
Practice | Make sure you can read a map and plot bearings. You might want to go for a long walk if you’re not used to the distance. If you haven’t been to BPA before, ask for advice from someone who has. |
Find a Team | Teams must consist of between four and six participants. |
Pack | Make sure you have all the gear you need for the event; it may be cold and wet so be prepared! In particular, you must have everything on the Kit List below. |
Book | Your unit leader will need to book your team into BPA but they will need some help from you. |
Permission Form | Without a signed permission form, you cannot take part in the event. More information about booking using the online system will come from your leader. Once your place is booked for BPA, the online system will generate a permission form which you will need to print, have signed by a parent or guardian and bring with you to the event. |
Work Together | Many of the BPA points are awarded for teamwork, leadership and conduct, so bear this in mind and give your team the best chance. |
Follow Us | You can stay up-to-date with the event at scoutsbpa.org.uk, by following us on Twitter (@scoutsbpa), on Instagram (instagram.com/scoutsbpa) or on our Facebook page (facebook.com/scoutsbpa). Please get involved by sending us a tweet or using the hash-tag #scoutsbpa. |
Enjoy | Above all BPA is great fun, so come along and enjoy it! |
Safety is the number one priority and we use experienced and suitably qualified leaders to run activities. First aid is on hand throughout the event and all participants must pass a kit check at the start of the event to ensure they are fully prepared to take part. Reflective vests will also be worn by all participants throughout the event.
Speak to your unit leader, they have been given further information and can contact the organisers if they need to.
Here’s a brief overview of the rules for BPA:
Participants will require all of the equipment on the list. If items are missing, they may be refused entry to the event on the grounds of safety. Please ensure you have the required kit, to avoid disappointment.
Each team must have the following:
Each participant must have the following: